If you’re into Gordon Ramsay, then you’re no stranger to the “F” bomb.
And if you caught the President’s signing of the health care bill, there was no way you missed our illustrious VP Biden’s “F” bomb as an ‘ata-boy right into the ear of the guy who holds the most prestigious job on the planet: our President.
Right there in the White House, in full ear-shot of the cameras and live TV stream, and our kids:
When I reflect back to one of many infamous days in my life … the day the judge disallowed me due process slapping me with a three-year restraining order …. based on blatent misrepresentations …. siting my single spewing of that “F” bomb (just cause if you knew the recipient and situation!!), I knew something was way awry with our legal system!
Are judges allowed to be that naive?
Just Like Any Other Business
Yes, divorce is good for business – court business, that is! The rhetoric about kids is just that.
Kids have nothin’ to do with “family court.” Never forget that.
My big take-away from divorce … and the judicial system is that it takes two to make peace, but only one to make war.
More on the anti-Family Court System in other posts.
For now, what’s your take on the Vice President’s dropping of the “F” bomb during prime time televisio?
With no ramifications?
What say you?
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